
This Is Ohio's Most Notorious Serial Killer

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Did you know that the United States has had more serial killers than any other country? With so many murderers in our country, each state unfortunately has a connection to an infamous serial killer.

From Insider:

"As early as the 1800s, the United States has seen killers who murdered on a massive scale. Since then, the country has become captivated with true crime, particularly serial killers. Shows like Netflix's 'Mindhunter' or books likeย 'I'll be Gone in the Dark' try to get into the minds of these terrifying killers to learn about motives and tactics."

So, who is Ohio's most notorious serial killer? Shawn Grate. Here's what Insider had to say about him:

"In 2016, police receivedย a 911 call just outside of Columbus, Ohio. The woman calling said she had been kidnapped. When police arrived at the home, the place was filled with garbage to the ceiling. The smell of decay was overwhelming. Police found a strangled woman's body hiding under a pile of clothes. A second victim was decomposing in the basement. Shawn Grate was taken out of the home in handcuffs and later confessed to killing five women. Grate was found guiltyย and was sentenced to death in 2018."

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